Inspection services


EMAT : Electro-Magnetic Acoustic Transducer

This technologies offers comprehensive detection, characterization and analysis of axial and circumferential cracks in the pipeline. The technologies provide superior

sensitivity and resolution backed by tailored probe production and industry-leading carrier systems. External factors such as stresses, earth movements and fatigue may lead to the formation of axial and circumferential cracks in pipelines.

MFL : Magnetic Flux Leakage

Magnetic flux leakage technology is the optimal choice for reliably identifying and characterizing external and internal metal loss features. Magnetic flux leakage technology is especially suited for the detection of corrosion, erosion, gouging, lamination, pitting and other metal loss features.

UT : Ultrasonic testing

Ultrasonic Testing (UT) uses high frequency sound energy to conduct examinations and make measurements. Ultrasonic inspection can be used for flaw detection/evaluation, dimensional measurements, material characterization, and more.

Caliper pig

It use mechanical arms to accurately record the geometric conditions of a pipeline as well as pipeline features by measuring changes in a pipeline’s internal diameter (I.D.). This information is critical during the pre-inspection qualification process in preparation for inline inspection runs. Caliper PIG’s are regularly used in conjunction with other forms of intelligent pigging such as Ultrasonic and Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) inline inspection.

3D mapping pig (XYZ)

Caliper pigging is the most accurate and cost-effective method to evaluate a pipelines current position and geometric condition. Several factors can cause a pipeline to shift from natural factors such as land slide to made factors like ship anchors.

CUPS : Corrosion Under Pipe Support Inspection Solution

It I a method to inspect pipe support without lifting the pipe. This can avoid the risk, which contributed from the activities and cases due to the lifting. 

SCT : Stress Concentration Tomography

It is non-invasive, no-destructive pipeline inspection. It able to detect stress magnetisation in the pipeline wall, including corrosion, cracks, dents, sagging and twisting. It can be used to map the pipeline route.


A tethered ILI is used in pipelines which are difficult or impossible to inspect with conventional ILI tools. The tool needs to get in and out at the same point, no pig trap required. Tool speed and even stop can be control precisaly.

TBIT : Tank Bottom Inspection Tool

A major concern for the integrity of a storage tank is the tank bottom. Whereby corrosion is one of the most common threats. Through sensitive detection and diagnoses, our TBIT Ultra Service is capable of accurately sizing the smallest metal loss defects helping to optimize your inspection program.